Games » Tank You! (game jam entry, 2016)
In order to hone my C++ skills, I decided to use
Kore as the base technology for this game jam. Similarily to
Khajak, we prepared some basic functionality in advance.
To give the topic "Experience Points" a novel spin, we thought about scenarios in which too much experience could be a bad thing. This led us to a war scenario where units that gain to much experience decide to leave the fight. The player, who is in control of both factions, must prevent this and keep the war going as long as possible.
My main responsibilities for this game were the particle and projectiles systems as well as instanced rendering for all recurring objects. Aside from that, I worked on lots of smaller aspects like the intro sequence.
Developed together with Polona Caserman, Robert Konrad, Lars Lotter and Max Maag.

Closeup view

Zoomed out view