Crafts » ETQW supply crate (2008)
When playing "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars" with friends I usually took the role of a medic. So it became a familar phrase for me to announce supply drop locations to my teammates. This inspired me to play a nice joke on them during a LAN-party, where I would ask them were they wanted their supplies this time. After that I would produce a real world supply drop filled with sweets and place it on the table besides them.
In order to do so, I built a 10 x 10 x 10 cm replica of the supply crate from the game based on an openable plastic case. It can be seperated into two halves and is able to house a medium sized bag of sweets.

Closed crate

Health pack side

Ammo pack side

Opening mechanism

Health pack side (work in progress)

Ammo pack side (work in progress)