Crafts » Suitcase PC (2002 - 2003)
Inspired by lots of interesting case-mods and case-cons, I decided to try a case-con on my own. Valueing function over form, the main idea was to place a computer inside a suitcase for easy transportation. And having regular LAN-parties with a bunch of friends made this prospect even more compelling. Because my PC back then was an quite outdated Pentium III 500 Mhz (overclocked to 560 Mhz), there was almost no risk involved either.
The suitcase serving as the basis consists of wood covered with foil and metal frame, so it was quite easy to modify. Being quite small however, the pc could only be used with a semi-opened lid when normal sized graphics cards were used. Cutting more specific parts like harddrive cages from an old computer case, it was possible to maintain a certain amount of stability without having to use special tools. Overall, the material cost was less then 50 € in total.

Semi opened suitcase in use

Backside with mainboard slot

Left side and power supply

Interior of the case

Close up of the upper part

Close up of the lower part